Tag Archives: being gay

Can a Christian be Gay?

A fair warning, this post might offend some.

I have mentioned that I am a Primary-Middle school teacher. I teach grade 4 through 7 (ages 10-13) and I am studying world religions. Different religions have different viewpoints towards homosexuality. In this post I will solely focus on the Christian religion as some Christians have difficulty understanding what is right and what is wrong in their religion. My viewpoints are objective, not clouded in personal feelings and in being a Christian because I am not one. I just want to give you some background of myself before you read any further.

Jesus was(is) a man who loved the outcasts in society. Being a teacher I can agree with him. It’s the naughty kids teachers like. The kids with personality and soul. The rest disappear into a face in the crowd sometimes. Jesus did not like the saints back in the day, he wasn’t one to shy away from violence towards them, frequently flipping tables and the like. (John 2:15-17) He liked the people with character. The sinners.

That being said, the bible condemns homosexuality directly 2 times and indirectly 7 times or so. Jesus himself speaks out against homosexuality exactly 0 times. He did however give 2 laws above all. To love your God with your entire being, and those closest to you. Jesus never spoke a word in hate directed at anyone. Ghandi said: “I like your Christ. I do not like you Christians. You Christians are so unlike your Christ.” I have to wholeheartedly agree. Christianity is one of the more beautiful religions out there.

I think in colours, while it is difficult to describe to someone, every thought and concept I have or get is attached to a colour. Religions are no less so. In my mind there are white (light), black (dark), green and red religions. While I’m not saying the black religions are “evil” at all there is a sort of darkness to them. As far as white(light) religions go, Christianity is way at the top. It is THE religion of light and love. A religion draped in purity. It speaks about tolerance, love and acceptance. It does NOT say anything about any human having any rights to condemn their fellow man. Or does it?

Luke 6: 37: “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven”. I counted 37 verses in the bible that condemns the judgement of others.

That’s interesting, also the 10 commandments say nothing about being gay. It does however say “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour” so how on earth can one Christian decide another is going to hell for any reason whatsoever? You are judging your fellow man AND bearing false witness. You cannot decide what is wrong and what is not. It wasn’t left in your power, but in God’s power alone. You have been given a DIRECT and CLEAR message from Jesus to love your fellow man. To love your God. Not to wave signs in anger and hatred towards your fellow man.

Decide for yourself if you can be a Christian and also be gay:

There is a boy at my school who we will call Tom. We could see Tom is gay from the age of 7. There was no denying it. That cute little boy is gay- unicorns barfing rainbows delivered this boy.

A discussion went down in my class when they were in grade 4 and we touched the subject of homosexuality. (I teach life skills). The one boy (Rodney) asked “Why would one guy marry another guy?” Purely out of curiosity, there was no hatred in his voice. I had to think fast and answered, because they love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together. He immediately said “Oh, I want to spend the rest of my life with Wesley!” (They were best friends, attached at the hip) to which I answered, No Rodney, not like that. It means you want to kiss him and hold his hand too. The class laughed and Rodney immediately revoked his previous statement in grossness. Tom laughing in the corner of my class, raised his hand and said he wanted to marry Thor. The class didn’t even flinch, and Vanessa immediately said, “You can’t marry him, you’re 10!”

Obviously the biggest problem there was that he is 10 and can therefore not be married yet. Those exact children are 13 now. On the threshold of teenagers and the hatred towards Tom has increased. They tease him and beat him. He is still that small frail boy in my mind. Hatred is taught to children. They are not born with it. Judgement is taught to children.

There is nothing more accepting and loving than a small child. There are clearly reasons why Jesus favoured children to adults.
