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Feminism in the eyes of a Chauvinist

Feminism: is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, cultural, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment.

Chauvinism: Male chauvinism is the belief that men are superior to women. The first documented use of the phrase “male chauvinism” is in the 1935 Clifford Odet’s play Till the Day I Die.

Why would anyone refer to themselves as a chauvinist? How dare you think men are superior to women?

I am a chauvinist. Let me explain before you dash off to the comments and swear at me.

My contact with women my entire life, has only filled me with disappointment and backstabbing. I can honestly say I have never had one female friend or acquaintance that has not plunged her dagger into my back the first chance she got.

That is why I am a chauvinist.

I have however studied feminism and I have some observations to make.

What does feminism really mean? If you are a feminist, take this time to see how your polar opposite thinks about this subject and see what you can learn from that.

“You have touched the women,

You have struck a rock,

You have dislodged a boulder,

You will be crushed.”

– a South African song sang in the 1950s by oppressed women.

There are different forms of Feminism; Islam, European etc. All of them have the same ideologies however and that is to stop sexual stereotyping, creating a bigger place for women in the world and rejecting the thought that women are inferior to men.

Feminism questions tradition, challenge forms of power and asks of us to look at reality objectively including social reality.

What does the word feminism mean to you?

Feminism to me has come to mean that some women are on an absolute undertaking to prove and to show that women are better than men. This has made all feminists into pseudo-man-hating lesbians, and they are slowly losing the respect of mankind (and some of womankind). They walk around waving signs of equality vs. inequality (never really knowing what that even means), screaming at men for being bastards and as being naturally predatory. That men are just waiting around every corner to rape them or hit them. (or for making 2c an hour more than them!)

That is what feminism has become; an absolute joke.

Maybe we need to step back one second, and review what feminism should be, most of the following information has been adapted from a textbook*.

First-wave feminism is women should have the right to vote, and women should stand as an equal in front of the law. All educated men and women in the West at least accept the idea that a woman should be allowed to vote, own property, have divorce and child custody rights. It should also be true that educated men and women believe that women should be given equal job opportunities and equal pay.

In the western world women have come to take these above laws for granted. Many women, in fact have NO rights whatsoever. Islamic fundamentalism (Patriarchal Fundamentalism) has in some countries taken away the rights that women did have. Think about ISIS. According to this fundament the universe was created by a male god who created man in his image to worship him. Everything else is non-divine and belongs to a class of animals, women included.

Feminist Christian Theology asks one simple question, Why is God male? The notion that God is male, some feminists argue is a direct violation of the first and second commandments. You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make yourself a graven image.

Basically these feminists believe man conjured up that God is male to promote the patriarchal society we live in.

If you want me to go into detail on Feminist Christian Theology, I would gladly do so. I however want to keep religion out of this post as much as possible.

There are a few things feminists agree on:

  • Women are people in their own right
  • Women should reject a man’s definition of what makes a woman valuable
  • Women should not make defensive claims to “equality to men.” If anything women are superior to men.
  • Women’s happiness does not depend on having a romantic relationship with a man. Women create their own happiness.
  • Only women have the right to promote abortion, because men do not get pregnant and bear children.

Feminism has given women a place to flee that have been let down by men. Divorcees, single mothers, battered wives, rape victims etc.

Now, there are things I want to scream from the top of my lungs, and I wish all women could hear me.

I believe that a man has his place and a woman has her place in society. Before you storm off to the comments to swear at me, just let me finish.

The ‘place’ I am referring to is NOT the kitchen for a woman and the yard for a man. No, what I am talking about is more fluent, more changing – like water.

A women needs to look into herself to find her place. Be that the CEO office of a company or a stay at home mom raising her children. No man can decide that for you, and if you think they should give you “permission” to do what you want to do then you are wrong. Women are human, just like men. We are EQUALS. There is no “better” sex. There is no superior sex. We all have our place in society.

If the lesbian auntie next door wants to be a mechanic, by god who is going to stop her? If the blond petite girl next door wants to be a builder- have at it! But realize that we are equal.

You CANNOT scream feminism, but then when a guy asks for your half of the cheque on a date claim “there are no more gentlemen left”.

No, Feminism killed chivalry. That is the truth. There will not be chivalrous males if females want to be treated as 100% equals. No longer are you the dame who needs impressing, whose heart the gentleman wants to steal. You are now his competition and equal in the economic and social world, just like other men are. You are now his boss and co-worker.

That is a sacrifice that women must be willing to make to be seen as a man’s equal. The benefits outweigh the loss of chivalry. So don’t mourn the loss for too long.

Another thing I want to highlight about inequality is for example when a man’s best friend sleeps with his girlfriend. Why does the best friend always take all the flack? Wasn’t the female just as guilty for having had sex with him?

Women want men to think they are helpless and frail because it suits them, but on the same day demand equality. For example they get shorter jail sentences for the same crimes.

Let’s take this scenario: A hot ass blonde teacher, tight body gives a 14 year old boy English at school. They end up having sex. Now, in the next class a 14 year old girl is sitting and her good looking, 20-something maths teacher ends up having sex with her. Who… Pray tell, will get of worse? The female or the male? The guy will be branded paedophile and the girl will go to therapy for being “raped” and yet the boy will be applauded for having accomplished his feat. The woman will get community service and laugh it off as the boy having been so hot and he definitely doesn’t look 14. The girl was no less raped than that boy was. The woman is just as much of an ephebophile as the guy was. No one was even remotely a paedophile, but the man WILL be branded as such.

Equality means equality. What is good for the one is good for the other one. Always remember that.

Do you want to be a stay at home mom? Then do that. Feminists scream at women who want to be stay at home mom’s that they are putting feminism back 100 years. You are not, finding your place is just that – your place. Not the place of the woman next to you. If you want a chivalrous man, acknowledge that you (again not the other woman) want this man to be in charge. You give all of your trust to him. (Just please be sure he isn’t a lowlife!)

I am a chauvinist, because feminists exist.

I have after I’d done some introspection come to realize that it is not women I hate. It is feminists I hate; I’m talking about the pseudo-lesbian man hating feminists screaming rape for no good reason.

Women are not superior to men. There are things women do better and there are things men do better. Again this is interchanging depending on location and of the self.

“Men have shown themselves to be unworthy leaders of the human race by repeatedly indulging in acts of war, violence and abusive power relations”

Women will undoubtedly, unquestionably and categorically make better world leaders than men and this is coming from a chauvinist.

I wholeheartedly agree with the following quote too:

“If we ignored feminism, we would live in a state of barbarity rather than civilization because women, rather than men, bring stability, harmony and higher forms of culture to human society. Societies, which ignore the rights of women, have intractable social problems.”

But I am talking about what feminism actually is versus what it has become. Women should be equal to men and vice versa. If a man wants to stay at home and raise the kids, whatever floats his boat?

Where does feminism fail?

  • It tends to dismiss the power of affection created by romantic love between a men and women.
  • It limits dialogue and understanding between men and women.
  • It encourages men to refuse to work alongside men (self-defeating)
  • It tends to idealise women.

Inequality is taught to us when we are children i.e. boys play with cars and girls with dolls. Stop being so afraid of raising a gay child and let children be children. They will grow up to be less hateful, and to love themselves – be who they are. They will love and they will not hate. They will not discriminate. Enforce THAT on your child rather than enforcing sport and certain gender stereotypes.

When all parents raise a generation without stereotyping, that will be when we will see the end to chauvinism, feminism, racism, homophobia etc.

Find YOUR place as you allow others to find THEIR place. Stop labelling everything.

What Feminism should be now, women uniting together and fighting for the rights of their sister living in actual oppressed countries who are truly being dominated and oppressed by men. Womanhood united can overcome huge obstacles. There is no doubt. Hell hath no fury…

Make the men who deserve it- pay. Not your brothers who stand at your side.


If women were in charge of the world there would be no more wars. Only a bunch of countries not talking to each other… not telling each other why 😛

Interesting fact: Feminism in Africa is called The “Sisterhood of Africa”


Higgs, P. Smith, J. 2003. Rethinking our World. 3rd edition. South-Africa: Juta. Pp 84-96

ISBN: 978-0-70218-858-9